Our Products

Thanks to our experience we have gained since 2011 from our customers in many different sectors and innovative technologies we have been improving constantly, we develop products that manage critical operations processes of our customers.

(Turnaround Management)

With GOS TMAN & SLA, produced to operate turnaround process where the aircraft is on the ground, we eliminate possible operational faults before they occur while monitoring and analyzing of the whole current status in the turnaround process. We notify people in charge via mobile devices by providing predictions of operational deviations in the case of emergency situations such as delays and cancellations in the turnaround time of aircraft.

(Airline Tactical Operations

Through our operational central database interface that includes whole processes of the aviation sector, we offer hundreds of pieces of information about a flight in a single platform. With the features of central master data management, data measurability and producing of specified dynamic columns, we facilitate decision making process and enhance operational efficiency

(Connection Management)

With GOS CMAN, the baggage management platform of transfer passengers, we monitor, manage, measure and analyze instant status of flight tracking, baggage and baggage connection conditions. It allows ability to take immediate action in critical situations and ensures effective reporting for transfer passengers and baggage status.

(Flight Ordering Management)

FOMAN is the automation system integrated with flight information and reservation systems. It works independent from base station and supplier. It automatizes steps of order creation and sending to concerned handler

(Fuel Integration Management)

FIMAN, developed as a fuel integration system, facilitates matching process between fuel receipts and flight information through automatizing the process. Thus, it decreases manual operations and paperwork. With SAP integration, eliminate operational faults before they occur.

(Airline Hotel Management)

We develop HMAN to optimize and automatize airline hotel management systems. It works as integrated with flight information and reservation systems by considering hotel quota. It provides transparency for hotel management by offering various reports and diagrams about usage statistics.